Industrial engineering

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plant - power & free 6” conveyor - for car handling – assembly department.
Plant installed at FIAT MIRAFIORI factory
Torino – Italy
Study, design and construction of a tunnel machine for vaporization and drying of car seats
installed at the plant "Lear" Caivano, ITALY
Study and design, installation of heat recovery and cogeneration executed for
"OCV ITALY" Heat recovery from the melting furnace glass plant built for the
plant in Vado Ligure (SV). ITALY
Automatic storage of equipment for presses.
Plant installed at “TOWER AUTOMOTIVE” factory
Pignataro Maggiore (Caserta) - Italy
Project hardening tanks automated.
Plant installed at “ASIL CELIK” factory
Bursa - Turkey
Project hardening tanks automated. (inside the tank)
Plant installed at “ASIL CELIK” factory
Bursa - Turkey